The Print Shop
Please allow 10 business days for processing all orders. Large orders are based on current workload at the print shop and bookstore. Specialty items subject to availability.
- All files must be print ready in a PDF format
- Sized correctly to the requested print size
- If cutting is required, be sure to include full bleed crop marks
- All campus orders will need to meet the brand guide standard in order to move forward with a requested project
- Approved purchase order to begin processing of an order for all TC campus departments
Please see link: Branding Guide
The Taft College brand guide has been developed to maximize visibility of our brand and return investment to the college and our students. All campus orders will need to meet the brand guide standard in order to move forward, therefore, please consider this in your planning.
Copyrighted material cannot be reproduced without written authorization from the publisher.
Please fill out the order request form below:
The TC Print Shop
The Taft College Bookstore
29 Cougar Ct.
Taft, CA 93268
Monday- Thursday
8:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Taft College Print Shop
[email protected]