Zero Textbook Cost Links Spring 2025

ADMJ 1501 all sections and instructors

Title: Criminal Justice: An Overview of the System

URL: Criminal Justice: An Overview of the System

ADMJ 1502 section 20 with T. Raber

Title: Concepts in Criminal Law


ART 1500 all sections and instructors

Title: A World Perspective of Art

URL: 1: A World Perspective of Art Appreciation - Humanities LibreTexts

Art 1600 sections 40 with D. Rodenhauser

Title: Two-Dimensional Design

URL: Two Dimensional Design and Color - Humanities LibreTexts

ART 1610 section 40 with D. Rodenhauser

Title: Two-Dimensional Design

URL: Two Dimensional Design and Color - Humanities LibreTexts

ART 1631 sections 40 and 70 with N. Reed

Title: Beginning Drawing


ART 1640 sections 40 and 70 with N. Reed

Title: Introduction to Painting

URL: Introduction to Painting: A Handbook for Student Painters | OER Commons


Title: Colour: A Workshop for Artist and Designers

URL: Colour: A Workshop for Artists and Designers - Taft College Library (

ART 1800 section 40 with A. Dimayuga

Title: Graphic Design and Print Production Fundamentals

URL: Graphic Design and Print Production Fundamentals – Simple Book Production (


Title: Digital Foundations: Introduction to Media Design with the Adobe Creative Cloud

URL: Digital Foundations: Introduction to Media Design with the Adobe Creative Cloud – Simple Book Publishing (


Title: Introduction to Art: Design, Context, and Meaning

URL: Introduction to Art (

ART 1811 section 40 with A. Dimayuga

Title: Graphic Design and Print Production Fundamentals

URL: Graphic Design and Print Production Fundamentals – Simple Book Production (


Title: Digital Foundations: Introduction to Media Design with the Adobe Creative Cloud

URL: Digital Foundations: Introduction to Media Design with the Adobe Creative Cloud – Simple Book Publishing (


Title: Introduction to Art: Design, Context, and Meaning

URL: Introduction to Art (

ART 1815 section 40 with A. Dimayuga

Title: Graphic Design and Print Production Fundamentals

URL: Graphic Design and Print Production Fundamentals – Simple Book Production (


Title: Digital Foundations: Introduction to Media Design with the Adobe Creative Cloud

URL: Digital Foundations: Introduction to Media Design with the Adobe Creative Cloud – Simple Book Publishing (


Title: Introduction to Art: Design, Context, and Meaning

URL: Introduction to Art (

ART 1820 section 40 with A. Dimayuga

Title: Graphic Design and Print Production Fundamentals

URL: Graphic Design and Print Production Fundamentals – Simple Book Production (


Title: Digital Foundations: Introduction to Media Design with the Adobe Creative Cloud

URL: Digital Foundations: Introduction to Media Design with the Adobe Creative Cloud – Simple Book Publishing (


Title: Introduction to Art: Design, Context, and Meaning

URL: Introduction to Art (

BUSN 1500 all sections and instructors

Title: Into to Business all sections


CHEM 1510 sections 22 and 23 with C. Taylor

Title: Introductory College Chemistry

URL: CHEM 1510: Introductory College Chemistry - Chemistry LibreTexts

ECON 2120 sections 20, 40 and 41 with A. Bledsoe

Title: Principles of Microeconomics


ECON 2210 sections 40 and 41 with A. Bledsoe

Title: Principles of Macroeconomics


ENGL 1500 section 48 with G. Dyer

Title: Writing in College: From Competence to Excellence


ENGL 1500 section 70 with C. Chung-Wee

Title: Animal Farm

URL: Animal Farm (

ENGL 1501 section 20 and 40 with G. Dyer

Title: Writing for Success


ENGL 1600 sections 41, 43 and 71 with C. Chung-Wee

Title: Thinkers Guide to Fallacies

URL: See instructor, print copy available in bookstore

ENGL 1600 section 18 and 47 with G. Dyer

Title: Writing and Literature: Composition An Inquiry, Learning, Thinking, and Communication


GEOG 1520 Section 40 with J. Altenhofel

Title: World Regional Geography

URL: World Regional Geography - Open Textbook Library (

HIST 2210 section 40 with K. Smith

Title: World History

URL: World History, Volume 1: to 1500 - OpenStax

HIST 2231 and 2232 all sections and instructors

Title: U.S. History, P. Scott Corbett, Volker Janssen, John M. Lund, Todd Pfannestiel, Paul Vickery, Sylvie Waskiewicz

URL: details

HIST 2270 section 20 with T. Mendoza

Title: Competing Visons


LIBR 1548 all sections and instructors

URL: Introduction to College Research – Simple Book Publishing (



MATH 2140 section 20 with D. Mitchell

Title: Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Values Problems

URL: Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems (Trench) - Mathematics LibreText

POSC 1501 all sections and instructors

Title: American Government, 3rd

URL: American Government 3e - OpenStax

PSYC 1500 section 23 with T. Raber

Title: Psychology (OER) by OpenStax


PSYC 2200 all sections and instructors

Title: Behavioral Statistics


PSYC 2205 section 20 with M. Oja

Title: Research Methods in Psychology

URL: Research Methods in Psychology – Simple Book Publishing (

SOC 1510 all sections and instructors

Title: Introduction to Sociology

URL: Introduction to Sociology 3e - OpenStax

SOC 2120 section 40 with S. Jimenez-Murguia

Title: Social Problems-Continuity and Change

URL: Social Problems - Continuity and Change - Social Sci LibreTexts

SPAN 1602 sections 71 and 72 with K. Kulzer-Reyes

Title: Elementary Spanish ll

URL: Introductory Spanish II | Simple Book Publishing

STAT 1510 all sections and instructors

Title: Introductory Statistics

URL: Free Introductory to Statistics Textbook for Download - OpenStax

STSU 1500 all sections and instructors

Title: College Success

URL: College Success - OpenStax